Just Label It Responds to USDA’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement on 2,4-D Resistant GE Crops

Just Label It Responds to USDA’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement on 2,4-D Resistant GE Crops

January 3rd, 2014

Statement of Just Label It’s Executive Director, Scott Faber on USDA’s draft Environmental Impact Statement of Dow AgroScience’s 2,4-D resistant genetically engineered corn and soybeans

GE Labeling Remains a Priority on a National Level

GE Labeling Remains a Priority on a National Level

November 15th, 2013

In response to the outcome of Washington state's I-522 ballot initative, Just Label It's executive director, Scott Faber, issued the following statement

Washington State Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Grocery Manufacturers Association

Washington State Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Grocery Manufacturers Association

October 16th, 2013

Today, Washington State's Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed suit against the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), big food's national lobby group representing brands like General Mills, Kellogg's, Kraft and Pepsico, for violating the state's campaign disclosure laws. Ferguson alleges that GMA, the largest contributor to the 'No on 522' campaign, illegally collected and spent a sum of $7.2 million to defeat Washington's GE labeling initiative, while hiding the identity of its contributors.

Grocery Manufacturers Association Dumps $5 Million into Defeating GE Labeling in Washington State

Grocery Manufacturers Association Dumps $5 Million into Defeating GE Labeling in Washington State

October 1st, 2013

Today, the Just Label It campaign called out the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), a national big food lobby group representing companies like Kraft, Pepsico and Kellogg's, for donating another $5 million to defeat an initiative to label genetically engineered foods in Washington state. To date, GMA has donated a sum of $7.2 million, making them the largest contributor to the 'No on 522' campaign.

Monsanto Protection Act Not Included in Senate Amendment to House Continuing Resolution

Monsanto Protection Act Not Included in Senate Amendment to House Continuing Resolution

September 26th, 2013

Just Label It applauds U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) for her leadership in preventing a provision deemed the "Monsanto rider" from being included in a Senate amendment to the House Continuing Resolution. The provision would negate any meaningful judicial review of the USDA's decisions to allow planting of genetically engineered crops.

GE Labeling Would Not Impact Supermarket Prices, New Study Says

GE Labeling Would Not Impact Supermarket Prices, New Study Says

September 11th, 2013

Requiring food manufacturers to label products that contain genetically engineered (GE) ingredients will not increase food prices at the supermarket, according to an independent study released today by the national Just Label It campaign.

Just Label It Commends Senate Appropriations Committee for Passing GE Salmon Labeling Amendment

Just Label It Commends Senate Appropriations Committee for Passing GE Salmon Labeling Amendment

June 21st, 2013

Just Label It applauds the Senate Appropriations Committee for yesterday’s passing of an amendment to label genetically engineered salmon, which was offered by Senator Murkowski (R-AK) and added to a spending bill language.

Just Label It Applauds Maine’s Historic Vote on GE Labeling Bill

Just Label It Applauds Maine’s Historic Vote on GE Labeling Bill

June 11th, 2013

Just Label It applauded Maine's House of Reprentatives for today’s historic vote passing LD-718, which would require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food and seed stock sold in Maine.

Just Label It Commends Connecticut On Passage of First State GE Labeling Bill

Just Label It Commends Connecticut On Passage of First State GE Labeling Bill

June 4th, 2013

Just Label It applauded Connecticut's Senate and House for yesterday’s historic vote passing HB-6519, which would require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food sold in Connecticut. The amended bill, after passing through the Senate this weekend, passed through the House by an overwhelming margin of 134 to 3, and makes Connecticut the first U.S. state to pass a law for GE labeling.

Just Label It Commends Connecticut’s Commitment to GE Labeling in Historic Senate Vote

Just Label It Commends Connecticut’s Commitment to GE Labeling in Historic Senate Vote

May 22nd, 2013

Just Label It applauded Connecticut's State Senate for yesterday’s historic vote passing HB-6519, which would require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food sold in Connecticut. The voted passed by an overwhelming margin of 35 to 1, and now moves on to the House of Representatives.

Court Ruling on Bowman vs. Monsanto Makes Further Case for GE Labeling

Court Ruling on Bowman vs. Monsanto Makes Further Case for GE Labeling

May 13th, 2013

Today, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Monsanto in the Bowman vs. Monsanto case, marking a disappointing loss for farmers and serving as a reminder of the need for GE labeling.

Just Label It Applauds USDA’s Decision to Extend Review of 2,4-D Corn

Just Label It Applauds USDA’s Decision to Extend Review of 2,4-D Corn

May 10th, 2013

Just Label It applauded the USDA's recent decision to extend its review of the proposed "Enlist" corn, a genetically engineered crop developed by biotech companies Dow and Monsanto.

Just Label It Commends Vermont’s Commitment to GE Labeling in Historic House Vote

Just Label It Commends Vermont’s Commitment to GE Labeling in Historic House Vote

May 10th, 2013

Just Label It applauded the Vermont House of Representatives for today’s historic vote passing H-112, which would require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food sold in Vermont. The voted passed by an overwhelming margin of 99 to 42, and now moves to the Vermont Senate, which will pick it up when the legislature returns in January 2014.

Just Label It Applauds GE Labeling Bill

Just Label It Applauds GE Labeling Bill

April 24th, 2013

The national Just Label It coalition today applauded the introduction of bipartisan legislation to require food manufacturers to inform consumers when packaged food contains genetically engineered ingredients.

Just Label It Commends the Natural Products Association For Its Commitment to a National Standard for GE Labeling

Just Label It Commends the Natural Products Association For Its Commitment to a National Standard for GE Labeling

March 19th, 2013

The national Just Label It coalition commends the Natural Products Association for supporting a national solution for mandatory labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food.

Just Label It Applauds Whole Foods For Its Commitment to GE Labeling

Just Label It Applauds Whole Foods For Its Commitment to GE Labeling

March 8th, 2013

The national Just Label It coalition commends food retailer Whole Foods Market for its announcement to label all genetically engineered food sold in its store by 2018.

National Nonprofits to Collaborate on Promoting Organic Food and GE Labeling

National Nonprofits to Collaborate on Promoting Organic Food and GE Labeling

March 6th, 2013

Environmental Working Group and Organic Voices will collaborate to highlight the benefits of organic food and advance the fight for labeling food that contains genetically engineered ingredients, the two organizations announced today.

Just Label It Campaign Urges Congress to Dump the Biotech Rider

Just Label It Campaign Urges Congress to Dump the Biotech Rider

December 4th, 2012

A national campaign to defeat the biotech rider snuck into the Agriculture Appropriations Bill now before Congress has been launched by Just Label It, the national coalition spearheading federal labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food.

Just Label It Calls on Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Deny Approval of 2,4-D Resistant Corn

Just Label It Calls on Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Deny Approval of 2,4-D Resistant Corn

November 28th, 2012

Citing the human and environmental health risks of 2,4-D, an ingredient in the notorious Vietnam era defoliant “Agent Orange,” the national Just Label It (JLI) coalition called on Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack to deny approval of genetically engineered (GE) 2,4-D resistant corn.

Stars Join National Fight to Label Genetically Engineered Foods in New Video

Stars Join National Fight to Label Genetically Engineered Foods in New Video

November 14th, 2012

Emmy Award winners Michael J. Fox and Julie Bowen, and singer Ziggy Marley are featured in a new Just Label It video calling for the FDA to require labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods. Fox, Bowen and Marley are joined in the video by 24 other entertainers and advocates and Just Label It (JLI) Chairman, Gary Hirshberg.

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Only organic guarantees that your food has been produced without toxic persistent pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones or genetically engineered seeds. Organic is the REAL natural

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