Latest Version of Bill Adds to the Confusion of the DARK Act
For Immediate Release
July 13, 2015
July 13, 2015
Latest Version of Bill Adds to the Confusion of the DARK Act
WASHINGTON – The latest version of the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act, an industry-backed bill designed to block GMO labeling would create even more consumer confusion around genetically engineered foods, according to Just Label It.
The DARK goes beyond its core irresponsible attempt to block a consumers’ right to know about whether their food has been genetically engineered. Now the bill defines “natural” to include GMOs and would rob local governments’ ability to protect the environment and human health from toxic herbicides.
“The DARK Act has always been a bad bill, but these new provisions are a drastic government overreach by undermining the ability of state or local governments from placing safeguards around production of GMO crops. Moreover, we know consumers already believe so-called “natural” foods are GMO-free, and this bill will write that confusion into law,” said Gary Hirshberg, chairman of Stonyfield and chairman of Just Label It. “The big food and chemical companies behind this bill want to strip people of the right to know about their food.”
Citizens in 64 countries around the world already have the right to know if their food contains genetically modified ingredients and polls show that Americans want the same. In fact, a recent Lake Research Partners poll sponsored by JLI showed that moms lose trust in companies that are not transparent about their use of GMOS.
“As a former CEO of a food company, I know that the relationship a company has with its customers is built upon trust,” said Hirshberg. “Some of the most well-known food companies are actively supporting the DARK Act. Rather than hiding behind a bad piece of legislation, the companies should come to the table to find a mandatory GMO labeling solution that works for everyone.”