Pompeo’s DARK Act Will Keep Consumers In The Dark

By: Scott Faber (EWG)
The empire struck back.
After two states have passed GE labeling bills and more than 30 are poised to consider similar labeling bills and ballot initiatives, the food and biotech industry have goat-roped some members of Congress into introducing legislation to block state GE labeling laws.
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kans.) has introduced the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act to keep consumers, well, in the dark about whether or not their food contains GE ingredients. The bill would also allow foods labeled as “natural” to contain GE foods, and prevent the federal Food and Drug Administration from requiring mandatory labeling.
Apparently, Pompeo is among the 7 percent of Americans who tell pollsters they don’t want to know what they’re eating. (Full story here)…
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