More than seven hundred organizations have joined JLI. Our partners come from all corners: the healthcare community, consumer advocates, farmers, concerned parents, environmentalists, food and farming organizations, businesses, the faith-based community, and many more.
We are all concerned with protecting the consumer’s right to know and we all support the fight for the...
Become a partner and help ensure that the voice of the American public is heard and that a strong message is sent to the FDA to support the petition calling for the labeling of genetically engineered foods. Partners are supporting the campaign by helping to spread the word via their mailing lists, websites, social networks and member communications. Join the effort to suppor...

HandPicked Nation believes real food is food your grandma would recognize as something good to eat. It lives in your farmers’ market, in your garden and at your local CSA. It hugs the exterior walls of your grocery store. It is not filled with additives to preserve its shelf life, if you don’t use it in a timely fashion, it rots. It is not as fast, cheap or convenien...

At Silk, we believe consumers have the right to make informed choices about the foods they eat and labeling is a very big part of that. That’s why we choose to support national efforts for mandatory labeling of GMOs (like Just Label It!) to help drive consumer awareness related to how food is produced.
Regardless of which Silk product you choose, you can feel good knowi...

Real Tea, Real Taste, Honest.
At Honest Tea, we embrace the simplicity of tea – water and leaves. Ever since 2730 B.C. when the Chinese emperor Shen Nung first “discovered” tea after some leaves fell into a pot of boiling water, generations and cultures around the world have enjoyed tea grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers. We don’t see any reason to ...

Farm Aid’s mission is to keep family farmers on the land in order to guarantee an agricultural system that ensures farmers a fair living, strengthens our communities, protects our natural resources and delivers good food for all.
Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp organized the first Farm Aid concert in 1985 near the height of the farm crisis to generate awar...

The Organic Wine Company, importer of unique wines, was founded in 1980 by Véronique Raskin - one of the pioneers of the organic wine movement. Born and raised in the south of France, deeply in love with her ancestor's land, the Domaine de la Bousquette in the Languedoc region, Véronique is committed to offering wines that are pleasurable to drink and respectful of the ent...

Yo, Ben & Jerry’s Thinks You Have the Right to Know.
All of us at Ben & Jerry’s are proud to join the list of companies, citizens, farmers, not-for-profits, change makers, and others in the Just Label It Coalition. We are compelled to join the campaign for mandatory labeling because we believe that everyone has the right to know what’s in the food they eat....
When Garden of Eatin’ was founded 40 years ago, our vision was simple: use only the best-tasting, natural and organic ingredients in everything we make.
A lot has changed in the food industry since then, but our commitment remains the same. We believe in natural and organic food because it’s better for the environment, better for animals and better for you. We st...