Organic Valley: You Deserve a Right to Choose

If a company is going to make a difference in today’s world, it’s going to have to think differently. At Organic Valley, our philosophy and decisions are based on the health and welfare of people, animals and the earth. We’re a mission-driven cooperative, owned by family farmers, and we’ve been leaders in organic agriculture from the very beginning.
We believe in providing consumers with an alternative choice, so we are proud to support the many organizations and grassroots activism groups out there today that demand mandatory labeling of GMOs in our food, including Just Label It, Center for Food Safety, Label It Washington, Seed Matters and others. Consumers deserve the right to know the truth about what they put in their bodies.
There’s an overwhelming amount of research out there, but it really boils down to this: You deserve a right to choose. Supporting organic is a fantastic way to both reduce your and your family’s exposure to GMOs in food, and – bonus – support a farming system that is viable worldwide.
Read more reasons why GMO foods should be labeled and 5 things you can do to help in this article from our mission executive, Theresa Marquez:
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