Just Label It, News Roundup 5-11

Last week, the Department of Agriculture published a long-awaited draft rule implementing a groundbreaking disclosure law for foods with genetically modified ingredients, commonly called GMOs. But the proposed disclosure rule would keep consumers in the dark. Lots of recent research on neonicotinoid pesticides has focused on their deadly effects on honeybees and hives, but few have studied their possible effects on human health. New research finds bee-killing pesticides may actually be impacting our health. A new financial growth plan for organic agriculture worth 1.1 billion kroner, about 147 million euros, is to be presented by Denmark’s government on Friday. Also in the news, scientists want to replace pesticides with bacteria.
The USDA’s Proposal For GMO Food Labels Is Here, And It’s Wacky
Genetically modified foods are contentious across the globe. After months of waiting, the USDA’s proposal for the labels to signify that food has been genetically modified is here. After a drawn-out debate, President Obama signed into law a bill in the summer of 2016 requiring that genetically modified food be labeled as such. But exactly how it was to be labeled—the language, the design, which foods it would apply to—was unclear until this week, when the USDA released its proposal.
New research finds bee-killing pesticides may be impacting our health
Lots of recent research on neonicotinoid pesticides has focused on their deadly effects on honeybees and hives, but few have studied their possible effects on human health.
Proposed GMO Disclosure Rule Leaves Consumers in the Dark
Last week, the Department of Agriculture published a long-awaited draft rule implementing a groundbreaking disclosure law for foods with genetically engineered ingredients, commonly called GMOs.
Denmark’s government to spend a billion on organic farming
A new financial growth plan for organic agriculture worth 1.1 billion kroner (147 million euros) is to be presented by Denmark’s government on Friday.
Scientists Want to Replace Pesticides With Bacteria
Fresh snow coats the sidewalks outside Indigo Ag Inc.’s Boston offices, but inside the temperature is calibrated to mimic spring in the Midwest. Hundreds of almost identical soy seedlings sit beneath high-intensity arc lamps, basking in the artificially sunny 60F weather.
What the Proposed GMO-Labeling Standards Seem to be Telling Us
As the eagerly awaited proposed GMO-labeling standards were released last week — also known as the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard — the most interesting aspect of these regulations was what they did not say.