Just Label It Endorses “Yes on Prop 37 – California Right to Know”

By Gary Hirshberg
(Chairman, Just Label It)
California voters will have a chance to vote for mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods this fall. Proposition 37 – the California Right to Know Campaign would require labeling of genetically engineered foods in California, giving consumers more information about the food we’re serving our families.
Just Label It fully endorses Proposition 37 because it offers the right to know to an important segment of the United States population and increases dialogue on this crucial food issue.
Will you take a minute and join JLI in supporting the California Right to Know Campaign?
Polls in California show overwhelming public support for Prop 37, but it’s facing an uphill battle. The Grocers Manufacturers Association (GMA) – Big Food’s national lobby group – has called defeating Prop 37 “the single highest priority for GMA this year.” Agribusiness and chemical companies are pouring millions of dollars into the state to fight against our right to know. This is yet another David and Goliath moment for the movement to label genetically engineered foods.
Let your voice be heard. Join JLI in supporting the California Right to Know Campaign today. We need to work together to grow this movement, stand up for the right to know what’s in our food, and demand what’s best for our families.
All Americans in every state should enjoy the same right to know. Supporting the California initiative is an important step on the path towards a national policy that will address this issue for us all. Please continue to speak up and pressure our national leaders for a federal labeling policy. At the same time, I hope you’ll also support this important complementary initiative in California.