Bloggers Ask Quaker to Support Mandatory FDA labeling of GMOs

By: Just Label It
Just Label It joined with Mamavation and dozens of food and wellness bloggers to launch our Conceal or Reveal campaign, asking Quaker to support mandatory FDA GMO labeling. Quaker and its parent company, PepsiCo, are spending millions to prevent us from knowing whether there are GMOs in our food. Major food companies combined have spent over $100 million on anti-labeling campaigns and their trade association, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, is supporting a new bill in Congress – The DARK Act – that would prevent mandatory FDA labeling.
Many of our supporters are Moms and are asking simply to know what they are eating and feeding their families. Quaker, a brand that prides itself on its honest and healthy image, is not being fully transparent to parents, families and consumers across the country – marketing their products on trust, but funding anti-labeling efforts at the same time. Does that sound right to you?
Join us in taking action today. Ask Quaker to Support Mandatory FDA labeling of GMOs.
Check out these labeling advocates standing with us to demand mandatory GMO labeling and asking Quaker to Conceal or Reveal: