Anti-Consumer DARK Act Blocks States Rights

Originally published in EWG’s AgMag Blog by Scott Faber.
When Congress votes this week on legislation to block GMO labeling, far more will be hanging in the balance than the simple question of whether consumers will be allowed to know whether their food was produced with a novel – and still largely unproven – technology.
Much broader principles are at stake.
One is whether consumers have the right to use their food dollars in ways that reflect their values.
According to Consumer Reports, consumers want to know more than ever about their food, including what’s in it, where it’s from, who made it and how it’s produced. We’re living in an unprecedented era of “food democracy” that should be embraced, not frustrated.
Another principle is whether states can provide their citizens basic information about food.
Long before Congress created the Nutrition Facts Panel in 1991, states were requiring food companies to tell us more about our food.
Read the full blog here.