A Message From Our Friends at Earthbound Farm

Earthbound Farm began almost 30 years ago with a little 2.5-acre backyard garden and a big commitment to protecting the health of the land and the people who enjoyed our harvest. That meant farming organically, raising our crops in ways that regenerate the land and avoiding toxic synthetic chemicals.
Ever since, we’ve been committed to producing the purest, safest food possible, food that nourishes and delights. And on the strength of that commitment, Earthbound Farm has grown from that first little garden into the largest organic produce company in America. We’re organic because it protects what’s important to us all: our health, our children and our Earth. And we think organic just tastes better, too!
That’s also why we believe it’s so important to label foods that contain genetically modified ingredients. GMOs have not yet been proven safe in the long term, and today the only way consumers can be sure that their food is GMO free is to buy food that’s certified organic or verified by the Non-GMO Project. Everyone has the basic right to know how our food is grown and what it contains, so that each of us can decide exactly what we want to eat.