‘Label It Now’ Will Have You Thinking Organic

(Miami Herald)

The organic movement in recent memory has made it more important to understand what went into your food and where it came from. If the authors of “Label It Now: What You Need to Know About Genetically Engineered Foods” had their way, the entire food industry would have that same transparency.

The e-book bills itself as the first consumer guide to genetically altered food, asking the basic question, “What’s in our food?”

It covers genetic engineering, regulatory issues, Roundup-brand herbicides-which allegedly have been linked to health issues – and a plan for consumer action, among other things. While genetically engineered food isn’t exactly Soylent Green come to life, the book does highlight an unsettling trend: lack of oversight for the companies that produce the genetically engineered food.

The book is part of the push by the Just Label It campaign to get the FDA to require labels for foods that are genetically engineered. Its authors are organic supporters Gary Hirshberg, CEO of Stonyfield, an organic yogurt company; Britt Lundgren, Stonyfield’s director of organic and sustainable agriculture; and Charles Benbrook, The Organic Center’s chief scientist.

“Label It Now: What You Need to Know About Genetically Engineered Foods” is available on all major digital booksellers for $2.99. All proceeds go to Just Label It, which is petitioning the FDA to label genetically engineered foods.

Read More: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/02/13/2639101/label-it-now-will-have-you-thinking.html#storylink=cpy

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Only organic guarantees that your food has been produced without toxic persistent pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones or genetically engineered seeds. Organic is the REAL natural

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